
Posts Tagged ‘rosemary’


 As we saw in feng shui part I ,the five elements an its balance are very important in feng shui theory. Now we are going to know what colours have to do with the five elements?

FIRE  –  this element refers to personal activity and  personal energy. The colors that represented fire are red, orange , purple, pink and yellow. These colours must be placed in the south,southwest and northeast areas.

EARTH  –  this element  represented the energy . The colours are light yellow, sand and beige and they must be in northwest, centers and southwest.

METAL  –  represented the clarity and focus. The colours are white and grey

This colours must be placed in west, northwest and north.

WATER –  Represented the  refreshing energy  of  calm. The colours are black and blue and they must be in north , east and south east.

WOOD –  Represented  the vibrant health and abundance. Colours are brown and green. They must be placed in east, southeast and south.


USING FORMS – In the garden be sure to allow curving  paths for CHI or energy to flow smoothly.

PONDS and watercan be good energy into a garden as long as it´s moving (Yang) Water is a collector and conductor of CHI. If you are looking to add water feng shui areas are the southeast for money, the east for health and family, and the north for the career. An outdoor fountain with golden bells is excellent for money in south east.

SCULPTURE – A metal sculpture of a turtle is a great protection placed  in the north. Bells if they are placed outside bring good news.

A CHILDREN PLAY – must be placed it  at the west side. It´s good to included wind chimes that created good vibrations in air

FIVE ELEMENTS – Try to use a balance of the five elements fire, metal, wood, earth and water.

ZEN GARDEN –  Northeast  it´s connected to the energy of personal growth and the feng shui element in this area is earth. This area will be great for a recreation of a Zen garden ( dry garden)

HERBS – They add colour and have a powerful  influence on your life. They create good health.

basil mejor      BASIL

Promote individual and good fortune, plant in the north and do not use when pregnant.





Lifts  the spirits of depressed or those with marital problems. Plant in south east to improve relationship or southeast to improve money luck.

lavanda            LAVENDER

You can place it anywhere, below a bedroom window promote better sleep.




Aids bad memory planted in southwest. Helps to encourage remembrance. Do not use it if pregnant.

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